In an international press conference held at Al-Azhar Headquarters, in early June (2016), the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif, Professor Ahmad At-Tayyeb, launched the largest ever comprehensive development strategy of Al-Azhar. It was a landmark step that would contribute to redressing the image of Islam in the world, introducing its tolerant teachings, and instilling its principles in future generations.
This declared strategy stems from the universality of Al-Azhar’s message and its upright and moderate approach promoting the culture of moderation, peace and coexistence for hundreds of years. For this purpose, it has employed all modern communication channels in well-studied plans to redress the image of Islam and show its human values promoted around the world.
The strategy, which included 15 pivots, received broad acclaim in cultural and social circles in Egypt and abroad. Many considered it an unprecedented step on the path of renewal and modernization regarding the action mechanisms within the prestigious Al-Azhar institution.
The Grand Imam’s speech during the declaration of Al-Azhar New Strategy
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Dear media and journalism guest figures,
Dear scholars of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif,
May Allah’s Peace, Mercy and Blessings be with you!
Welcome to Al-Azhar Headquarters in Cairo. I would first like to greet our dear, eminent Egypt; the President, the government and the people, as well as the Arab and Muslim worlds, and the entire world; the peoples and the rulers, on the approach of the blessed month of Ramadan. Happy new peaceful year, brimming with human fraternity, global fellow feeling, blessings, goodness and prosperity.
It is a pleasure to deliver a speech within the declaration of Al-Azhar Strategy on reform and renewal. This strategy aims at preparing a generation of well-trained Azhari young scholars and preachers who can undertake the mission entrusted to them by this longstanding institution embraced by the Muslims in the East and the West. Those Muslims trust Al-Azhar to instill in their children the truths of the upright religion revealed by Almighty Allah as guidance and mercy to humanity.
Over the course of history, the entitlement of Al-Azhar to undertake the mission has been demonstrated. Indeed, Al-Azhar has communicated the pure message to humanity, away from the disturbances of denominational and sectarian deviations and shortsighted political visions. We have learned through experience that the voice of Al-Azhar will not recede for any reason, even when the nation loses its way into a labyrinth of misconceptions and goes astray from the right path of this great humanitarian religion. The voice of Al-Azhar persists even when the voice of reason recedes, the light of faith dims, the tone of excommunication and sophistry prevails, and armed conflicts replace argumentation and demonstration. Sure enough, sectarian and denominational fanaticism and hateful dissent have prevailed, being sustained with money and power.
Unfortunately, some Muslims were killed, when they got engaged in mutual decimation, inflecting on the nation much harm than that caused by enemies and conspirators against it. I should thus declare it among the Muslims in the East and the West, out of pure sense of responsibility before Allah: that the only way for us, the Muslims, out of this misleading ordeal is to return to the correct approach in understanding the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Sharia. This approach, which is adopted by Al-Azhar, is the only available way that is guarded against the chaos of excommunication and violation of others’ lives, honor and property.
According to this approach, all people are created by Allah Almighty as equal, knowing that Allah commanded His Prophet to declare it to the world that humans are equal like the teeth of a comb and that they are all descendants of Adam, who was created from dust. This understanding is now the lifeline within the surging sea of misunderstanding, ignorance and the precedence of the uninformed pseudo-scholars who trade their conscience for money.
Honorable guests!
This action strategy is not nascent; and were it not for the tough conditions that have almost engulfed Egypt, it should have been declared a long time ago. However, with Egypt setting her foot on the right track, we declare this strategy, which is still liable to improvement as part of Al-Azhar’s efforts to undertake its responsibility and to achieve its goals. Yet, in my capacity (as the Grand Imam), I confirm that colossal efforts have been exerted despite the tough journey that abounded with unforeseeable impediments on a road strewn with obstacles and schemes.
Thanks to Allah Almighty, the following is a brief statement of achievements of the team that have been constantly working with me over the past years, during which they stood fast in face of weathering storms and blowing winds of lies and fabrications. Such a team of sincere members, especially youth leaders and counselors with whom Al-Azhar is blessed, have remained firmly self-abnegating at a time in which the honest ones have become rare.
This strategy initially underscores that Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif forcefully and limitlessly supports Egypt, the noble homeland that has embraced it and allowed it to disseminate the message of Islam in the East and the West over a span of more than a thousand years. Al-Azhar also firmly believes in the historical and geographic peculiarity of Egypt and in the Egyptian character that is molded by successive civilizations over thousands of years. It also fully appreciates the remarkable boom currently witnessed in Egypt on all political, economic, industrial and agricultural levels, as well as on the level on national projects. It also largely commends the chase of terrorist entities that have long been nested on the borders, and the protection of Egypt, internally and externally, against the evils of these entities. Hence, Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif prays for the guidance and success of H.E. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and all the sincere officials in Egypt in realizing the dreams of the Egyptians and their aspirations for a revival of their glories and restoration of their pioneering role, for which Egypt and the Egyptians have been distinguished.
Fairly speaking, I should pridefully and supportively applaud the courageous and sincere armed forces for their constant sacrifices and efforts in defense of our homeland. I should also thank all police forces who diligently work on maintaining the security of the citizens.
Al-Azhar calls on all the Egyptians to live up to the challenges sweeping our Arab and Muslim region, and to know for sure that unity, harmony, diligence and perseverance in maintaining the country’s higher interests constitute the sole lifeline and the rock against which the machinations of internal and external enemies are shattered.
Respectable guests!
In the modern era, Al-Azhar has developed into a major institution that encompasses the largest world university, with seventy-one colleges spread across the different Egyptian provinces, from Aswan in the south to Alexandria in the north. Nearly half a million students are registered in these colleges, majoring in religious disciplines and in secular sciences, including physics, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, agriculture, etc. Among those students, more than forty thousand are international students coming from 102 countries to study at Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif both religious disciplines and secular sciences.
Besides, there are ten thousand pre-university institutes at Al-Azhar, in which nearly two million students are registered, including a large number of international students from different world countries. Elaboration on Azharite pre-university education sector falls beyond the purview of this speech, and this also applies to Al-Azhar Research Academy, whose affiliate preachers are scattered across Egypt. Those preachers are also dispatched to different world countries, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan.
On another note, we have begun to develop all the pre-university curricula to keep pace with recent developments and emerging challenges, while sustaining the in-depth study of heritage. Indeed, renewal can only be attained through properly assimilating ancient heritage and then revisioning it according to the regulations established among respective scholars. Thanks to Allah, we have managed to develop a new course entitled ‘Islamic culture’ that is taught as a general requirement in Al-Azhar pre-university education. This course addresses ambiguous concepts, guarding the students from falling prey to the advocates of anomalous thought and maintaining their adherence to Al-Azhar moderate approach.
Moreover, Al-Azhar Mosque has restored to its role through its revived Ruwaqs (traditional classrooms) and Al-Azhar scholar sessions where the disciplines of creed, the Qur’an, Qur’an exegesis, jurisprudence, Qur’an recitation, and Hadith are taught, along with foreign languages, computer science and communication skills. These outlets are meant to promote the true message of Islam and its call for peace around the world.
There, the eagerness of thousands to learn at the hands of leading scholars in the Ruwaqs has boosted my confidence that we are on the right track when we educate the masses and link them to Al-Azhar and its academic approach. This approach prevents them from slipping into the clutches of the extremist groups that attract them under the pretext of teaching them or granting them licenses in religious disciplines.
No doubt, education at Al-Azhar is now accessible to all Egyptians and to all Muslims around the world, who can receive knowledge at the hands of senior scholars in the Ruwaqs. Besides, they can receive knowledge through Al-Azhar distance education program, which is provided by the World Association of Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG).
On the other hand, we have paid special attention to international students, being Al-Azhar ambassadors to the whole world. So, we worked on developing their teaching institutes, established a college for Islamic disciplines, which they join after studying the Arabic language in the Specialized International (language) Center that was donated by Sheikh Zayed Foundation; may Allah have mercy on the late Sheikh Zayed and bless his children.
Furthermore, we developed the Islamic Missions hostels to accommodate international students and encouraged the students to have their elected parliament. We regularly meet with that parliament leaders to follow up on the students’ conditions and solve their problems. This is meant to help them fully dedicate themselves to acquire knowledge in line with the moderate approach of Al-Azhar and mainstream it all over the world.
At social and human levels, Allah has guided us to establish the Egyptian House of Zakat and Charities to disburse the Zakat funds through legally-prescribed channels. This initiative aims at sustaining the spirit of solidarity and compassion among the society members. The Zakat House revenues are identified by law, and they include Zakat money willingly offered by individuals or entities, charities, donations, gifts, bequeathed money, and subsidies. All these revenues are directed to the poor and the needy, the sick and the injured. We reiterate to everyone that all members of the Zakat House Board of Trustees are volunteers working for the sake of Allah.
Another similar project is the Egyptian Family House, which is alternately chaired by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and the Pope of the Egyptian Orthodox Church, to maintain national fraternity, consolidate the concept of citizenship, and denounce the spirit of discrimination, fanaticism, and dissent. It is also meant to block the way for those who seek to sow discord among the united Egyptian people.
We were also guided to revive the Council of Senior Scholars to be the primary reference for Muslims around the world through authentic ijtihād (reasoning). The council addresses emerging jurisprudential issues, and identifies respective fatwas and rulings, leaving no room for the proponents of whimsical opinions, deviant visions or radical approaches.
Regarding our care for imams and preachers, we have organized many training courses to qualify and enhance their competence, helping them keep pace with recent developments, on missionary and technical levels, and to develop their research and communication tools towards better delivery of the tolerant mission of Al-Azhar .
Now, please allow me to disclose something that may not be known to many. We in Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif receive daily requests from different world countries to dispatch imams to all parts of the world to mainstream a culture of moderation and peace, inside and outside the Arab world, according to Al-Azhar’s moderate approach, which is yet targeted by questioning or distortion.
Over the recent year, Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif dispatched dozens of missionaries, awareness, relief, aid and medical convoys to the different parts of Egypt, from Sinai in the east to Matrouh in the West, and from Alexandria in the north to Halayeb and Shalateen in the south. Likewise, it dispatched 630 envoys abroad in 2015, 420 to Africa, 198 to Asia, 7 to Europe and 5 to the Americas. Those envoys were dispatched to mainstream Al-Azhar moderate approach and deepen the culture of dialogue and respect for the others. In the same year, Al-Azhar launched 64 international missionaries, relief, medical and humanitarian convoys. And in collaboration with the Council of Muslim Elders (CME) founded to promote community peace everywhere, and which I am honored to chair, Al-Azhar dispatched dozens of peace convoys to Africa, Asia, Europe and America to promote the culture of coexistence in these communities. This target is attained through illustrating the true teachings of Islam, enlightening the Muslims and the non-Muslims in these countries on the dangers of extremist thought and answering the respective questions of the public there.
WAAG also plays a key role in consolidating communication between Al-Azhar and its alumni around the world, reviving the global role of Al-Azhar in preserving the nation’s identity and heritage, and standing up to the malicious distrust and distortion campaigns targeting it.
In a major shift in Al-Azhar strategy, we established a multilingual Al-Azhar Observatory that works on dismantling extremist groups’ ideas and arguments, and to help the expatriate Muslims integrate into their non-Muslim societies in a positive way that preserves their religious and cultural identity and ensures peaceful coexistence.
Within one year, Al-Azhar Observatory managed to achieve great success that boosted its international status, drawing the attention of many official and international institutions. These institutions now seek to support those in charge of the Observatory and conclude cooperation agreements with them to benefit from their counter-extremist and counter-terrorist efforts.
Within the framework of Al-Azhar overseas moves to promote the culture of peace and coexistence, we received visitors from Italy, Britain, Indonesia, Germany, Nigeria, France, and the Vatican. Through these meetings, we sought to correct misconceptions, and clarify the true image of Islam that some people are trying to falsify and distort.
Honorable brothers!
These are only a few examples of the massive efforts exerted by Al-Azhar affiliates, especially the youth, whom I mentioned earlier and for whom I keenly opened the doors to work in all leadership positions and fields. This is done for the purpose of reviving the prime of Al-Azhar. It suffices here to note that more than 200 young leaders are now tangibly and actively working around the clock in all Al-Azhar sectors to advance this institution.
As for our strategy for the coming period, it is mainly based on the continuation and development of exerted efforts in a way that contributes to the delivery of the noble message of Al-Azhar in all fields to the entire world, redresses the image of Islam, and introduces its tolerant teachings to the world.
Today, as we announce Al-Azhar’s largest self-development movement, we affirm that this movement stems from the universality of Al-Azhar’s message through the employment of all modern communication channels and studied plans. Through these plans, we address the world, maintaining the spirit of the age and uprooting extremist thought.
The development strategy thus builds on the following points:
First: A forceful presence of Al-Azhar on social media pages to address millions around the world. You may now notice that there is a strong and accelerated presence of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif on social media sites to combat extremist ideology.
Second: Launching several religious and social television programs for the first time in the upcoming month of Ramadan, featuring young preachers of Al-Azhar who present social and religious content in a manner attractive to the youth and in an accessible language. Al-Azhar professors and scholars shall also participate in more than one program on various television and radio stations around the world. These youth programs shall certainly be continued after Ramadan to maintain constant communication with the youth.
Third: Broadcasting dozens of missionary clips on the Internet for a group of young scholars of Al-Azhar. These clips deal with religious, intellectual, youth and life issues, introducing their respective religious rulings according to the moderate approach of Al-Azhar. This is intended to contribute to immunizing young people against extremist and terrorist polarization.
Fourth: Developing the action mechanism of Al-Azhar media center to keep pace with recent developments, work around the clock, and maintain communication with media institutions, locally and internationally. This development includes introducing new elements and launching a global media center equipped with all modern technological capabilities.
Fifth: Launching a multilingual Al-Azhar Fatwa Global Center (online) that is operated by specialized scholars in Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif. This center aims to contribute to eliminating the chaos of fatwas and countermand untenable fatwas issued by irresponsible pseudo-scholars meant to legalize murder, excommunication, bombing, and bloodshed.
Sixth: Launch a new version of Al-Azhar e-portal to keep pace with the latest technological developments and developing attractive designs that facilitate the access to the different Al-Azhar websites.
Seventh: Developing Al-Azhar Voice newspaper, in form and content, making it a newspaper for all Egyptians that addresses local and global Islamic affairs and that confronts extremist thought. This newspaper shall be distributed through embassies and WAAG offices around the world.
Eighth: Launching Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif TV channel during the current year to present Al-Azhar moderate voice to the world through a group of young Azharite scholars who promote moderation, and peace, and confront extremist ideology.
Ninth: Issuing books on redressing misconceptions and countermanding deviant thought and reprinting canonical Azharite heritage, past and present.
Tenth: Developing a specific plan to communicate with all segments of society through intensive public meetings (in parks, cafes and youth centers) aimed at educating young people about the dangers of extremist thought. These meetings also aim at working out solutions to youth problems and addressing controversial issues that occur to them, according to the orthodox approach of Al-Azhar. This experiment has begun to bear fruit in some governorates.
Eleventh: Offering young preachers the opportunity to participate in the development of religious discourse, confidently encounter the discourse of extremism and terrorism. For this purpose, more than 500 young leaders in various sectors of Al-Azhar will be recruited.
Twelfth: Pursuing the development and revision of Al-Azhar curricula to keep pace with recent developments and to reflect the true, tolerant values of Islam.
Thirteenth: Launching Al-Azhar Islamic Studies Division and integrating all relevant divisions into this one central boarding institute (Division) in Cairo, where the students are taught traditional religious disciplines in line with the developed Azharite curricula. Likewise, the new Missions Institute, which is being built right now, shall receive international students with the purpose of producing a new generation group of preachers capable of carrying the banner of moderation that has always characterized Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif.
Fourteenth: Developing the World Association of Al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) through supporting communication with its existing offices and opening new offices overseas to maintain communication with Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif alumni around the world and to constantly promote upright thought through them.
Fifteenth: Considering the idea of holding an international peace conference at the end of this year, with the participation of the Vatican and the Muslim Council of Elders.
Finally, I would like to inform you that an integrated international students’ hostel is being established in New Cairo to accommodate more than forty thousand students from more than 110 world countries. This project is largely supported by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz (may Allah best reward him for serving Islam and Muslims). This support was initiated by the late King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him). Besides, an international Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif library is being established according to the latest international systems in this field through the support of the sisterly United Arab Emirates.
Here, I would also like to announce that all these projects are kindly fully implemented by the two generous sisterly countries through their approved companies, without any interference from Al-Azhar.
Respectable guests!
Al-Azhar launches its strategy out of its sense of responsibility as the primary Muslim authority in the world and the bearer of the banner of defending Islam over centuries. During these centuries, Al-Azhar managed to confront the numerous threats to which Islam has been exposed. However, the current crisis is considered the most serious of all. It represents a genuine challenge that threatens the tolerant foundations of Islam, aiming to alienate it and present it as if it were the other face of terrorism.
As you can see, Al-Azhar development plan addresses Muslims and non-Muslims, inside and outside Egypt. So, we largely insist on educating Muslims about the truth of their religion and its noble teachings, the mission in which we take pride. We are also keen to communicate with non-Muslims through all modern communication channels, in studied plans to redress the false image imputed to Islam and reflect its genuine humanitarian values. Hence, Al-Azhar calls on the whole world to rediscover and benefit from these values.
In conclusion, I would like to address all the citizens of our dear country. It is a legal duty for every citizen to work hard on promoting the interests of this country. Similarly, it is a legal obligation for every official to diligently perform their duties. It is also a moral and conscientious duty to show the whole world that all the Egyptians are united. In this way, we can encounter those who seek to induce dissent in order to undermine the stability of our homeland. So, fear Allah wherever you are, and know that safeguarding one’s homeland is an inevitable individual duty.
O Allah, we exert our utmost efforts, depending on You and seeking help and success from You!
Thanks to you all! May Allah’s Peace, Mercy and Blessings be with you!