Grand Imam: Much is said about the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (pbuh) by intellectuals and philosophers in the East and the West

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During his speech on the Prophet’s birth anniversary, HE the Grand Imam stated that much is said about the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) by luminary non-Muslim thinkers, scholars, philosophers, writers and historians of civilizations in the East and West. Among those thinkers were Gandhi, Ramakrishna, Lamartine, Montgomery Watt, Zwemer, Tolstoy, Montet, and many others beyond enumeration. They spoke about his personality and his morals, and about his Sharia law, hoping that his moral be revived to correct the course of today’s world and save humanity from expected doom. The Grand Imam explained that, for example, the world-renowned, luminary English writer and critic, George Bernard Shaw is quoted to have praised the Messenger of humanity Muhammad (pbuh) saying,
“Europe has begun now to sense the wisdom of Muhammad and has developed a passion for his religion. It will also come to exonerate Islamic doctrine from all the false accusations laid at its door by Europeans in the Middle Ages. The religion of Muhammad will be the system upon which peace and contentment will be founded. From his Philosophy, Europe will derive the solution to perplexities, problems and complexities … I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness … How much the world in the modern age needs a man like Muhammad to solve its stubborn, complicated problems over a cup of coffee.”

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