Grand Imam of Al-Azhar calls for human solidarity and directs the world's attention towards ending the suffering of the poor and the oppressed

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Today, Sunday, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, called for investing the International Day of Human Solidarity in directing the world’s attention towards ending the suffering of the poor, the marginalized, the sick and the oppressed, especially in the light of wars and conflicts and the spread of a culture of hatred, racism and double standards. In Arabic and English, on his official Facebook page, the Grand Imam stated, “The International Human Solidarity Day is an opportunity to draw the attention of the world, especially powerful and developed countries, to help in ending the suffering of the poor, the marginalized, the sick and the oppressed, especially those who have been weakened by wars and conflicts and exhausted by the culture of hatred, racism and double standards. The United Nations celebrates the International Human Solidarity Day on December 20 of each year, as an expression of unity within diversity, reminding governments of the need to respect their obligations in international agreements, and raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity. This is meant to encourage discussions on ways to strengthen solidarity and thus achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the eradication of poverty and encouraging new initiatives for this purpose.

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