Allah's name Al-Kabir (the All-Great) indicates that He is Great in status, GI
The Arabic language is very rich and broad, GI
Teach your children the Qur’an to enhance their language skills and refine their sense of language, GI
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar said that Al-Kabir (The All-Great) is one of Allah's Most Beautiful Names as the Quran reads, “So judgment belongs to Allah, the Most High, All-Great.” His Eminence added that there are two derivations of the name Al-Kabir in the Quran, one is Al-Kabir and the other is Al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme in Might, the Justly Prideful). His Eminence pointed out that the name has three meanings: The first is old age in addition to the idea of preexistence; the second meaning is greater in status or position; and the third is bigger in size or massive. Of all three meanings, only the second befits the Divine Self, which is the great status.
During the 17th episode of his TV program Imam Al-Tayyeb Talk, His Eminence explained that the first meaning of the name which denotes old age does not befit the Divine Self, since it would mean that He was not there at a certain time or was young and then grew old. This change cannot befit the Almighty at all, for Allah is Eternal without beginning or end. The third meaning which denotes bigness in size or massiveness does not befit the Almighty (Exalted is He), since this would mean likening Him to humans or created beings. He, exalted be He, is exalted above that. Thus, the meaning of Al-Kabir that can be ascribed to Almighty Allah is that He is the one who surpasses all existence and is supreme in greatness, attributes, and actions.
He pointed out that the Arabic language is very rich and broad. Unfortunately, it does not receive due care from its speakers, especially the new generation whose culture and thought are deficient due to renouncing their language. His Eminence wondered why so many people are so interested in mastering the English language, which when compared to Arabic, looks like a poor man in shabby clothes standing next to a well-dressed rich one. He affirmed that if one’s language is weak, one can hardly preserve one’s identity. He stated that every time he reads in French, he wonders how the French, the English and the German people promote their languages, while Arabic, in comparison, is not well promoted. In every country, there is a center for teaching French, English, or German. Can you tell how many Arabic language centers there are in the West? There is none.”
He concluded by pointing out that language is an art that attracts people, especially at an early age. Language also induces attraction to culture, customs, and traditions. It is important to learn a foreign language. The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged us to do so: “Whoever learns the language of a people is safe from their evil.” Yet, a foreign language should not prevail over the native language. We should teach our kids Arabic first, and then teach them foreign languages. We must teach them the Qur’an in their childhood. The Quran enhances their language skills and refines their sense of the language.