As a conqueror, the Prophet (pbuh) entered Mecca humbly bowing his head in submission to Almighty Allah
A person should behave in accordance with Allah’s Attributes within the limits of one’s human nature
Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, Al-Azhar Grand Imam and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders revealed the wisdom of conjoining the name Al-Kabir with Al’Aliy, and Al-Muta’al in Surat Luqman and Surat Ar-Ra’d respectively.
He pointed out that Al-Kabir literally applies to humans too, since it means someone of old age. Another meaning of the name denotes massiveness in size, which is also a phyiscal connotation. Since an inadvertent reader may perceive it literally; that is, physically, the Quran introduces this qualification, where the name is coupled with Al-‘Aliy in “Al-‘Aliy Al-Kabir” and with Al-Muta’al in “Al-Kabir Al-Muta’al”. He added that the two denote transcendence or elevation. So, the Almighty is described as “Al-Kabir (the All-Great), Al-Muta’al (the Most Exalted) in an absolute manner that dispels any possibility of substantially physical elevation.
Regarding the phrases we use to praise Almighty Allah is “Allahu Akbaru Kabira wa Al-Hamdulillah Kathira” (Allah is the Greatest and greatness is for Him. All praise is due to Him), His Eminence said that this praise of Allah is mentioned in some Prophetic Hadiths about the Eid Takbir. Among these reports is that when the Prophet (pbuh) entered Mecca as a conqueror, while riding his camel and humbly bowing his honorable head. If it were anyone else, he would have retaliated for the harm the people of Quraish had inflicted on him, and for driving him out. Upon returning victoriously, he could have simply destroyed them. However, he entered Mecca saying, “There is no god but Allah alone. He fulfilled His Promise and granted victory to His servant.” This means he did not credit himself for the victory. As a Prophet, he did not do what ordinary people would do, that is, to retaliate or take vengeance on his enemies. Rather, he attributed the victory to Allah, Who “fulfilled His Promise and granted victory to His servant, honored His soldiers, and defeated the confederates alone.” He humbly attributed the victory to Allah Almighty.
Regarding the widespread Upper Egyptian custom of calling the head of the family Al-Kabir, in terms of old age and elevated status, His Eminence pointed out that if a human is described as Kabir, then it does not have the absolute sense of the word. Greatness here does not mean old age but rather means dominance and sovereignty, which cannot be absolute for humans. However, when it is attributed to Allah Almighty, it indicates holiness, which means that Allah almighty is free from imperfection or incompleteness. For humans, the adjective reflects their shortcomings and imperfections. It may thus involve bias, and thus attribution of it to humans may be tainted with fallibility. When Al-Kabir is attributed to the Divine Self, it means the Absolutely Great, free from any human imperfection. Although the same attribute is ascribed to Almighty Allah as well as to humans, it has different meanings.
When asked how to translate our belief in and knowledge of Al-Kabir as one of the Most Beautiful Names of Allah into practical behavior in our life, His Eminence said a person should imitate Allah’s attributes within the limits of one’s human nature. This means one should assimilate these morals as much as one can. Every name has specific manifestations and significations. So, a wise person should behave as much as one can in accordance with the beauty and majesty of this or that name.