GI congratulates President El-Sisi and Muslim nation on new Hijri year

الإمام الأكبر أ.د: أحمد الطيب.png

The Hijrah of the Prophet (PBUH) is an inspiring event that instilled great moral values in the souls of Muslims, the Grand Imam
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, extends his sincere congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the President of Egypt, the Egyptian people, and Muslims around the world on the new Hijri year, praying to Allah Almighty to make it a year of peace, prosperity, security, and safety.
The Grand Imam affirms that the Prophet’s hijrah (migration) was - and will always remain - an inspiring lesson that renews creative energies in the souls of Muslims, embodied by their teacher and chosen Prophet (PBUH), through his strong trust in his Lord, his good reliance on Allah, his endurance of hardships for the sake of his message. The Prophet (PBUH) set the most wonderful examples of coexistence with non-believers, spread mercy, truth and justice between Muslims and non-Muslims, and taught them how to be tolerant, forgiving and patient in the face of adversity. He was the best example of generosity, sacrifice, humility, and gentleness.
On this occasion, Al-Azhar calls on Muslims around the world to draw inspiration from the lessons of the Prophet’s hijrah, to adhere to his prophetic biography (Sīrah), to be keen to teach it to their children, and to translate these teachings into actions and behavior. He stressed the necessity of following the example of our Prophet, and sacrificing everything that is valuable for the sake of elevating this faultless religion, calling on Allah Almighty to protect Egypt and the world from all harm and evil.

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