The Grand Imam receives Egypt's new Ambassador to the Philippines

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His Eminence Prof. Ahmad al-Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, received Ambassador Nader Zaki, the new Egyptian Ambassador to the Philippines, to discuss ways to enhance Al-Azhar’s educational and dawah support for the Muslim community in the Philippines.

His Eminence affirmed Al-Azhar’s readiness to provide all necessary support to the Muslims of the Philippines. He suggested establishing a center for teaching the Arabic language in the Philippines to teach Muslims the language of the Holy Quran. In addition, Al-Azhar is ready to host the imams of the Philippines at Al-Azhar Academy for Training Imams and Preachers to have training in honing their skills to deal with various contemporary issues such as issues of coexistence, acceptance of others and confronting extremism.

For his part, the new Egyptian Ambassador to the Philippines expressed his happiness for meeting His Eminence the Grand Imam and his appreciation for his efforts in establishing world peace and spreading the values of fraternity and coexistence. He stressed that he will do his utmost to enhance cooperation between Al-Azhar and the Philippines, and to benefit from Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and the awareness it provides as one of Egypt's most prominent soft powers.

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