During his meeting with the head of the French Christian Democratic Party, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar affirms:
* Al-Azhar is largely determined to combat deviant thoughts and is ready to train the imams of France
Jean-Frédéric Poisson: The West is in dire need to benefit from Al-Azhar efforts … Al-Azhar Grand Imam’s visit to the Bataclan is a great humanitarian stance”
His Eminence Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, Al-Azhar Grand Imam, the Chairman of Muslim Council of Elders, met with Jean-Frédéric Poisson, Chair of an action group on combating ISIS, Vice President of the Committee of law in the National Assembly of France and Head of the Christian Democratic Party.
During the meeting, the Grand Imam affirmed that Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif is largely determined to combat deviant thought in diverse ways, pointing out that Al-Azhar Observatory operates in eight languages to address the ISIS misconceptions and to redress the deviant ideas and thoughts in the minds of the youth. His Eminence the Grand Imam indicated that a development plan of Al-Azhar Observatory is underway and more languages shall be introduced. In the same vein, Grand Imam At-Tayyeb said, “We also invest diverse ways in combating such deviant ideologies, including conferences, symposia and books. We also dispatch missionary and peace convoys to different world countries to underscore the tolerance of Islam and promote peace and co-existence.”
Likewise, Grand Imam At-Tayyeb affirmed that Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif is ready to train the imams of France according to the moderate and tolerant approach of Islam, pointing out the necessity of drawing up a standard bylaw to be observed by all mosques in such a way that maintain the freedom of the mosques and the independence of the society. Hence, non-observance of such a code through contributing to the dissemination of extremist thought shall be called to account. At-Tayyeb also stressed that calling people to Islam shall be in the frame of wisdom and good admonition, noting that missionary has never been a call for killing, displacement or bloodshed or any other crime perpetuated by the terrorist groups which by no means reflect the tolerance of Islam.
For his part, Mr. Poisson expressed his thanks to the Grand Imam, affirming that this visit is conducted in due time. He also praised the efforts exerted by Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif in promoting moderation and peace and in combating radical ideologies, indicating that the West is in dire need to capitalize on and promote such efforts and mainstream them among the youth to immune them against extremist thought. Mr. Poisson expressed his appreciation for the visit paid by the Grand Imam to Bataclan theatre, maintaining that it marks a great humanitarian stance. He also pointed out that this visit will have a great impact on the French people who look at Al-Azhar as a symbol for moderation.