The Grand Imam: Pope Tawadros II's greeting visit on ˁEid ul-Adha is an embodiment of the good relations between Al-Azhar and the Cathedral Church
His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, received Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark in a visit to greet the Grand Imam and all Muslims on the blessed ˁEid ul-Adha. The Grand Imam thanked Pope Tawadros II for the visit, stressing that it is an embodiment of the good relations between Al-Azhar and the Church. Such relation, said the Grand Imam, is an optimum indication that the Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians, constitute a single fabric that is invulnerable to rupture. He then prayed to Allah Almighty for many happy returns with the dear Egypt enjoying more progress and welfare.
For his part, Pope Tawadros stressed that such festivals in Egypt are occasions that reflect the unity of all the Egyptians and their interdependence. He applauded the mutual visits between Al-Azhar and the Church, and their ability to face challenges that threaten the safety and security of Egyptians. Pope Tawadros also praised the role of Al-Azhar in lending success to the first International Christian-Muslim Youth Forum, which was held at the Headquarters of Al-Azhar, on the role of religions in building peace and confronting extremism and terrorism. The forum was held within the framework of cooperation between Al-Azhar and the World Council of Churches.
The Grand Imam-Pope meeting took place in an atmosphere of cordiality and amicability, during which the attendees underscored the necessity of highlighting the noble morals of the Egyptian society, upholding the values of tolerance and moderation, and reviving genuine Egyptian customs and traditions. The Grand Imam agreed with HH Pope Tawadros to organize new joint efforts aimed at restoring societal values and preserving the youth and the Egyptian community identity.