Al-Azhar holds central position in the world and represents moderate Islam, says French Ambassador to Egypt
Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, received Ambassador Stephane Romanet, the French Ambassador to Egypt at Al-Azhar headquarters, to discuss joint scientific and cultural relations.
The Grand Imam said that Al-Azhar is the major religious authority for Muslims in the world, and it always works to educate people about their religion and worldly matters and to protect the society from deviant ideas that take people away from the moderation of Islam; neither negligence nor exaggeration is acceptable by Al-Azhar. Throughout the history of this ancient institution, it has been respected by the Muslims and non-Muslims alike because it is based on true Islam, which came as a mercy to the worlds.
The French Ambassador, for his part, expressed the strength of the scientific and cultural relations between France and Al-Azhar, and that France is always working to develop them, because it realizes the pivotal position of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif globally. Moreover, Al-Azhar is the only reference that represents moderate Sunni Islam for France, he added. “When we come to Al-Azhar, we know who to turn to when we want to inquire about any matter related to the Islamic religion.” He also stressed that Al-Azhar is indispensable to the Muslims whether in Egypt or anywhere else the world.