Al-Azhar relies heavily on young people and their active role in society, the Grand Imam to Minister of Youth and Sports
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, received Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports.
The Grand Imam said that Al-Azhar attaches great importance to young people, and relies on them greatly in all fields and disciplines, in addition to dedicating a large part of its activities to educating young people, and equipping them with skills and values that help them participate effectively in society.
His Eminence explained that from this standpoint, Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif organized, in cooperation with the Muslim Council of Elders and the Canterbury Cathedral, last July, the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, which aimed to open channels for dialogue and acquaintance between the youth of the West and the East, listen to their initiatives and ideas, and respond to any questions on their minds.
Dr. Sobhi, for his part, expressed his pleasure at meeting the Grand Imam, stressing that His Eminence represents an important religious symbol, and that his ideas and initiatives represent a source of guidance and enlightenment for many young people.
He pointed out that cooperation between Al-Azhar and the Ministry of Youth and Sports has witnessed a steady growth in the recent period, as several joint missionary and awareness convoys were sent to various Egyptian governorates, in order to instill moderate religious values and principles in young people.