Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk: Minimal ordinances constitute a call for unity and strength in Muslim societies
In episode 26 of Grand Imam At-Tayyeb TV Talk, HE says, “Minimal ordinances constitute a call for unity and strength in Muslim societies”, indicating that such limitedness of legal ordinances opens the door for diversity, integration, and Ijtihad. Meanwhile, it reduces radicalism and extremism and by corollary the divisions that otherwise show the Muslim nation as if it embraced different faiths. The Grand Imam further explained that indeed division, conflict and disagreement are more harmful and faster in destroying societies and undermining communities than idolatry and polytheism. And though polytheism is an inveterate evil, it is not hard to redress or to guide the polytheist back to belief in Almighty Allah, unlike the case with division and conflict which entails irremediable failure. The Grand Imam further indicated that difference in religious matters has become a threat to Muslim unity around the world, asserting that the last century witnessed exploitation of differences among Muslims, though these differences have existed among them since the advent of Islam. Such differences suddenly flared up and each one of the followers of a particular sect would either hurl accusations of disbelief or easily shed the blood of the followers of the other sect, although the two sects have lived under the protection of Islam for fifteen centuries. HE explained that most of the differences between the sects were due to political reasons, stressing that such a matter should never be allowed to constitute the seeds of sedition to be planted by enemies among Muslims. Unfortunately, however, the enemies succeeded in doing so and thus in undermining the wall of Muslim unity. They managed to deal a lethal blow to Muslim unity which was the source of the nation’s prevalence at its early stage.