Grand Imam receives Egyptian Ambassador to Chad and recommends him to take care of the file of international students at Al-Azhar

شيخ الأزهر يستقبل السفير المصري لدى تشاد ويوصيه بالاهتمام بملف الطلاب الوافدين للدراسة بالأزهر.jpeg

Today, Sunday, at Al-Azhar headquarters, the Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb received Ambassador Osama Al-Hadi, the new Egyptian Ambassador to Chad. The Grand Imam asserted that Al-Azhar shall spare no effort to provide all types of scientific, cultural, medical and missionary support to African countries, drawing on its historical role in support of African peoples. He also recommended taking care of the file of Chadian students at Al-Azhar, eliminating all obstacles to their enrolling at Al-Azhar.
For his part, the Egyptian Ambassador expressed his pleasure to meet the Grand Imam and get acquainted with Al-Azhar’s scientific, missionary and relief efforts in support of Chad. He also affirmed that he will do his best to eliminate the obstacles faced by Chadian students when enrolling at Al-Azhar.

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