The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif mourns the death of Chancellor Rajai Attia, President of the Egyptian Bar Association

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With hearts accepting God's judgment and destiny, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif mourns the death of Chancellor Rajai Attia, President of the Egyptian Bar Association, member of the Islamic Research Academy and President of the Arab Lawyer Union, who passed away earlier on Saturday morning, after a long journey in the service of his homeland and religion. The Grand Imam highly values the deceased’s appreciation of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif and its scholars, the efforts he exerted in defending the oppressed and the needy, his writings and his valuable research on Islamic knowledge and human thought. The Grand Imam extends his deepest condolences to the family of the late chancellor and to the Egyptian lawyers, calling on Allah Almighty to bless his soul and to grant his family and relatives patience and fortitude as “We all belong to Allah and to Him we shall return”. 

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