Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk: Takkabur (Pridefulness) is an attribute befitting Allah Almighty, yet unfit for His servants

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Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, said that Al-Mutakabbir is one of the Most Beautiful Names of Allah, and it is the ninth of the names mentioned in Surat Al-Ḩashr (no. 59). The name is derived from kibr (pridefulness), which should not be ascribed to people unless incorrectly, for kibr (pridefulness) is one of the attributes of Allah. His Eminence differentiated between two matters: a Divine Being Who deserves to – and must – be described as prideful; it is an attribute that belongs to the Divine Being and we cannot deny it. The other is the human being that does not deserve to be described as prideful.

During the thirteenth episode of his program, Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk, His Eminence emphasized that the attribute of pridefulness in relation to Allah - Glory be to Him - is dutiful for Him, because His Self is characterized by full sanctification, and absolute perfection, so it is sacred and free from any deficiency. It is exalted above all defects and it is absolutely perfect. The Grand Imam explained that because pridefulness is part of and indicates greatness, it necessarily proves the greatness of the Divine Being, Who is free from any deficiency and characterized by all perfection.

His Eminence added that the Divine Being is exalted above imperfections, and that He is perfect in majesty and beauty. He is characterized by permanent existence that has no beginning or end, a comprehensive ability, a general will, and infinite knowledge that encompasses all information past, present and future. The Grand Imam confirmed that with these descriptions the Divine Being must be Great, and that absolute greatness belongs to Allah Almighty alone, Who is the best example. The description of pridefulness entails the description of greatness; otherwise, it is considered a detraction of the Divine Self. His Eminence pointed out that pridefulness in relation to Allah - Glory be to Him - is a beautiful attribute or an attribute of majesty that befits His Self, Glorified be He. On the other hand, if it is used to describe Allah’s servants, it turns to a sin, a shortcoming and a vice. It seems as if you have dressed an idiot with a king’s crown. His Eminence stressed that describing a human as prideful is only disapproving and derogatory, since he does not deserve this divine attribute.

His Eminence concluded that if a person remembers well that he does not deserve this attribute, he would not act as if he had it, but the problem is in heedlessness. Man is unaware of Allah and His real status. If man knew he was a weak creature who does not possess even his own soul, mind or existence and that they can all be taken from him at any moment, he would not dare feel prideful. There is an authentic hadith that says: “Arrogant people are gathered on the Day of Resurrection like specks of dust in the form of men,” so they will be smaller in size than ants.

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