The stronger the faith the greater the affliction; and Prophets suffered the greatest afflictions, the Grand Imam

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Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, said that there is a relationship between the attribute of mercy and the name of Allah Al-Wahhāb. Mercy is mentioned in one verse in Surat ˀĀl ˁImrān (no. 3): “Our Lord, do not deviate our hearts after You have guided us, and bestow upon us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower” (Qur’an, 3: 8). The Creator, Exalted be He, shows mercy to his creatures or bestows on them what is merciful for them. At this point a question may be raised: “Is everything Allah bestows on us merciful for us? How can pain and suffering be merciful?”
During the eighteenth episode of his Ramadan program, Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar answered this question today, Tuesday, by explaining the attribute Al-Wahhāb, indicating that all Allah’s actions towards His servants and all that he bestows upon them is merciful, even that which the servant thinks  to not be so, such as pain, suffering, loss and disease. Scholars have said that these actions remain under the cloak and umbrella of the name Al-Wahhāb, for they have a deeper meaning and significance than the servant can imagine, so the one who reflects on them will find that they are rightly classified as blessings, especially when the future outcome - not the present condition - is considered. Were they a curse, as some might think, Allah would not have inflicted them on His most beloved servants, i.e. the Prophets.

His Eminence added that affliction is a gift from Allah to His servants, and the stronger the faith, the greater the affliction. When the Prophet (pbuh) was asked, “Which people have the greatest affliction?” he said, “The people who suffered the greatest affliction are the Prophets, then those who came next [in rank], and so on”. A man is afflicted according to the strength of his faith. If strong, the affliction increases; if not, the affliction decreases. Afflictions befall the believer until he proceeds with no sin weighing on him.” His Eminence also cited the hadith of ˁAbdullah Ibn Masˁūd, may Allah be pleased with him: “I visited the Prophet (pbuh) while he was in pain, so I said ‘O Messenger of Allah! You are in great pain!’ The Prophet (pbuh), said, “Yes, I am. Indeed, the pain I feel is like the pain that two men of you might get.” I said, “Will your reward be doubled?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Yes,” and then he added, “No Muslim is afflicted by harm, be it the pricking of a thorn or something more painful, but that Allah thereby causes his sins to fall away just as a tree sheds its leaves.” That is, sins are like leaves of a tree falling off one after the other. In fact, this hadith is good news for every sick person, also for every believer who receives affliction with patience.
His Eminence concluded his eighteenth episode of the program by stressing that the attribute Al-Wahhāb is derived from hibah (gift), and the gift means to give without expecting compensation. Al-Wahhāb in this sense can be ascribed to none but Allah Almighty, and it does not befit His servants. Drawing on the meaning of the name Al-Wahhāb, a Muslim should give others from what Allah has bestowed on him without waiting for or expecting any reward except from Allah. For example, a doctor should treat some poor patients for free. 
Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk is a daily program broadcast on Channel One of the Egyptian TV, Al-Hayah satellite channel, the Nile radio station, and a number of Egyptian and Arabic channels. In his program, which is broadcast during Ramadan this year, Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, tackles the Most Beautiful Names of Allah Almighty. He explains their significance for people, their impact on relieving the physical and psychological pressures that a person suffers, and how to draw on their meanings in our daily life. They indeed belong to the acts of worship Allah ordered us to observe.

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