Grand Imam of Al-Azhar receives Egypt's new ambassador to Bangladesh, and recommends him to give top priority to the foreign students’ file

شيخ الأزهر يستقبل سفير مصر الجديد لدى بنجلاديش .jpg

Today, Sunday, at the Headquarters of Al-Azhar, H.E Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, Grand Imam of Al-‎Azhar Ash-Sharif, received ambassador Amr Fahmi, ‎Egyptian ambassador to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
HE Grand Imam At-Tayyeb wished ambassador Amr guidance and success in his new mission, advising him to take care ‎of the file of foreign students enrolled in Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif, who almost add up to 600. The Grand Imam added that there is an Azharite institute in Bangladesh and that Al-Azhar offers 18 scholarships annually to Bangladeshi students to enroll at different grades.
He also ‎stressed that Al-Azhar is fully prepared to receive Bangladeshi imams at Al-Azhar International Academy for the Training of Imams and ‎Preachers, and to dispatch Azharite imams, preachers and teachers to Bangladesh to fulfill the needs and expectations of the Bangladeshi people.‎
For his part, ambassador Fahmi expressed pleasure to meet the Grand Imam of Al-‎Azhar and appreciation for his great efforts to promote the values of peace and fraternity and to support the causes of the Muslim nation and peoples. He stressed that he will place the file of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif - as a soft power for Egypt – at the top of his priorities and will make every effort to facilitate the affairs of international students enrolled in Al-Azhar so that they may be ambassadors for Egypt and Al-Azhar in their home country after their graduation.

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