Thousands of Thai Muslims meet Grand Imam in Bangkok

آلاف المسلمين التايلانديين من ٤٥ محافظة يلتقون شيخ الأزهر رئيس مجلس حكماء المسلمين في بانكوك .jpeg

Islamic heritage deserves to be described as a heritage of human brotherhood, the Grand Imam
Words fail to describe the happiness of Thai Muslims with the historic visit of Al-Azhar Grand Imam to Thailand, Sheikhul Islam of the Kingdom of Thailand
The Islamic Center in the Thai capital, Bangkok, organized a public meeting for Al-Azhar Grand Imam and MCE Chairman, Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, with the Muslims of Thailand. Thousands of Thai Muslims, from 45 provinces, were keen to attend the meeting in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Arun Boonchom (Muhammad Jalaluddin bin Hussein), the 19th Sheikhul Islam of the Kingdom of Thailand, senior religious leaders, and imams of Thailand.
His Eminence expressed his happiness to be among this gathering of Thai scholars, thinkers and imams, noting that when he sees the thousands of Thai students who studied at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, he feels as if he was still under the roof of Al-Azhar in Cairo. He expressed his happiness that this visit comes at the beginning of the New Hijri Year to celebrate with the Muslims of Thailand this dear anniversary to Muslims, calling on Allah Almighty to keep the blessings of security, safety, progress and stability for everyone.
His Eminence the Grand Imam stressed that the doors of Al-Azhar are open to the Muslims of Thailand, pointing out that 160 scholarships are offered annually to the Muslims of Thailand to join Al-Azhar University, and that Al-Azhar is ready to increase those scholarships, in order to meet the needs of the Muslim community in Thailand. He indicated that since its inception, Al-Azhar has been based on explaining and interpreting the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah and teaching them to Muslims around the world, and even to non-Muslims as well, and that Al-Azhar’s mission is to spread the message of Islam, which is based on peace among all people, and even peace between humans and plants, animals and inanimate objects.
The Grand Imam explained that the Qur’an was not limited to establishing peace between Muslims only, but was explicit in establishing peace between Muslims and non-Muslims, and that the relationship that connects Muslims with others is a relationship based on acquaintance and coexistence, which is what is meant by Allah Almighty’s saying “that you may know one another” (Qur'an 49:13), meaning that you may exchange affection and good treatment.
Al-Azhar Grand Imam stressed that the Holy Qur’an laid the foundations for the relationship between different civilizations and religions, as a relationship based on understanding, respect, and acceptance of pluralism. Al-Azhar has paid attention to the necessity of applying this concept in a practical way, so it has taken serious steps to establish peace locally, regionally, and globally.
His Eminence explained that Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and the MCE aim to promote peace and affirm the culture of coexistence and mutual respect, pointing out that local peace was evident in the “Egyptian Family House” initiative launched by Al-Azhar in cooperation with Egyptian churches, to eliminate sectarian strife and to mend the Egyptian national fabric. As for regional peace, Al-Azhar and the MCE adopt an approach to unite the Islamic nation through an Islamic-Islamic dialogue that brings together all schools of Islamic thought, especially Sunnis and Shiites. Attempts to achieve Global peace is reflected by the openness of Al-Azhar and the Muslim Council of Elders to religious and cultural institutions in the West, such as the Vatican, the Canterbury Cathedral, and the World Council of Churches (WCC). These efforts culminated in the signing of the Human Fraternity Document between Al-Azhar and the Vatican in 2019.
The Grand Imam stressed that the Islamic heritage deserves to be described as the heritage of human brotherhood, citing the fact that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to say after his prayer: “O Allah, our Lord and the Lord of everything, I bear witness that You are the Lord alone Who has no partner... I bear witness that all your servants are brethren.”
For his part, His Excellency Mr. Arun Boonchom said on behalf of the Muslims of Thailand, its scholars, imams and Islamic centers spread across the north and south, “I express my great happiness with this historic visit of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to Thailand, and we cannot find words to express our gratitude for the great support and unlimited services provided by Al-Azhar to the Muslims of Thailand, represented in scholarships, sending Al-Azhar's envoys to our country, hosting our imams for training at Al-Azhar Academy for Training Imams, Preachers and Fatwa Researchers, and establishing a branch of the World Association of Al-Azhar Graduates in Thailand to spread knowledge and Islamic dawah in Thailand."
Sheikhul Islam of Thailand stated that thousands of Thais graduated from the prestigious Al-Azhar University and held prestigious positions in various ministries and organizations, pointing out that Al-Azhar is distinguished by its authenticity and has men who serve the Sharia and spread moderate, enlightened thought in all parts of the world. He stressed that the wise leadership of the Grand Imam of the Muslim Council of Elders has a prominent and effective role in spreading the values of brotherhood and coexistence among followers of different religions.
The Grand Imam was keen to listen to the Muslim scholars and imams of Thailand who came from 45 provinces to meet His Eminence and welcome him, to answer all their questions, and exchange conversations with them about everything of concern to them.

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