GI receives spouse of former Indonesian President, Mufti of Kazakhstan, and several attendees of Ministry of Endowments conference

شيخ الأزهر يستقبل حرم الرئيس الإندونيسي السابق ومفتي كازاخستان وعددًا من ضيوف مؤتمر وزارة الأوقاف.jpeg

The Grand Imam calls for adherence to Islamic fundamentals and avoidance of traditions that contradict them
Al-Azhar Grand Imam and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders (MCE), Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb,  received Mrs. Sinta Nuriyah, widow of former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, Shaykh Nauryzbay Kazhy Taganuly, Chairman of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Kazakhstan and Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan, and a number of guests of the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments conference, in the presence of Dr. Osama El-Azhari, Minister of Endowments, today, Sunday, at the headquarters of Al-Azhar.
The Grand Imam said that societies that exclude women - a pillar of society - are like those walking on one leg. Women offer strong support for societies, and their energies and capabilities must be invested in all fields. He explained that Islamic societies that invested in the energies of women's efforts and creativity, such as Malaysia and Indonesia, witnessed a great leap in many fields, and that Muslim women strongly participated in the making of civilizations and presenting inspiring female models.
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar explained that excluding or marginalizing women is contrary to what Islamic Sharia, which honors women and gives them full rights, given their important role in building society and shaping the future of the nation. He stressed the need to eliminate social customs that diminish the status of women or detract from their rights, and called for the need to adhere to the correct Islamic principles and to stay away from traditions that contradict the teachings of Islam.
The guest delegation stressed that Al-Azhar is their highest authority, that they trust its moderate approach, and that they only take fatwas from it. They also stressed that they have translated Al-Azhar curricula to teach them to Muslims in their countries, due to Al-Azhar’s status as a moderate Islamic authority and the basic guarantee for promoting peace in society. They stressed that the fatwas issued by Al-Azhar - especially on women's affairs - are greatly welcomed in their countries. They thanked the Grand Imam for his support of their country by receiving incoming students and providing them with the appropriate atmosphere to receive Al-Azhar's education.

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