Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, said that the other aspect of the ease of Islam and its legislation is the limited burden of obligations, especially in the field of daily-life transactions. The contemplator in this field will notice that the Qur’anic verses that came to legislate in the field of daily-life transactions are much less than those in the field of worship acts, morals, stories of ancient nations, warnings against evil-doing, encouragement of rewarded acts, warning of punishable behavior, and other contents and topics of the Holy Qur’an.
His Eminence added that the Prophet (pbuh) prohibited his Companions to ask too many questions, especially if such useless questions can be avoided. He (pbuh) said, “The greatest sin is committed by the one who asks about something that is not forbidden, so it becomes forbidden due to his questioning.” The Prophet (pbuh) disliked people’s asking about issues not raised by the Qur’an. By default, the golden rule of Islam “The basic case of matters is their permissibility” .
The prohibition is an exception to the rule; it needs evidence to prove it, and if there is no evidence, then it is not forbidden. His Eminence indicated that there are issues about which there is neither prohibitive nor binding statements, and that the Legislator remained silent about them to make such matters easy for people. The Legislator left the statement of the ruling on them to the discretion of the scholars, in a way that harmonizes with the changing interests of society, along with the change of time and place.
The Grand Imam pointed out that there is a large area of issues and matters related to people’s lives that are completely devoid of explicit religious rulings, and that the absence of obligations and rulings is a matter intended by the Sharia; therefore, no one should look into them, or ask whether they are permissible or forbidden! Their nature is outside the scope of the mandate matters in the first place. In addition, they belong to the divine pardon, which was explained by another hadith, in which the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) said, “What Allah has permitted in His Book is thus permitted, and what He forbids is thus forbidden. But what He is silent about is pardoned, for Allah would not have forgotten anything.” The Grand Imam stressed that the existence of such a broad area of pardon lying between prohibition and permission greatly reduces the religious obligations on the one hand, and provides Sharia with enormous power to cope with development and renewal on the other hand.
Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk has been broadcast for the fifth year on Egyptian and Arab channels. The program was launched in Ramadan 2016. This year, 2021, the program explains the characteristics of the Islamic religion, the moderation of Islam and its manifestations, the rules of legal obligations, the ease of Sharia, the sources of legislation, and refutations to fallacies about the Prophet's Sunnah and heritage.