Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk: The most common of Allah’s attributes is Peace as it aims at stopping bloodshed
Al-Azhar Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb, said that Peace is one of the beautiful names of Allah mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Ḩashr (The Gathering, no. 59), and it is taken from silm, which means that Allah’s Self, Attributes and Actions are characterized by peacefulness, Glory be to Him. The peacefulness attributed to His Self means that it is not subjected to nonexistence, and it is purified from the attributes of people. The peacefulness of His attributes means that these do not resemble His creatures’ attributes. The peacefulness of His actions means that injustice cannot be ascribed to Him, and that He is not unjust to His servants. This is in accordance with the Almighty’s saying: “We did not wrong them, but it was they who were the wrongdoers” (Qur’an, 43: 76).
During the eighth episode of his Ramadan program Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk, which is broadcast on Al-Hayat channel, His Eminence stated that contemplating the attribute of peace reveals that it is the most commonly used because it is associated with a great mission, i.e. to stop bloodshed. Peace is the foundation of the universe, which is based on justice and peace. His Eminence emphasized that the Muslim is always surrounded by peace. The Muslim repeats the word peace in his prayers in the first tashahhud (supplication said at the end of every two rakˁahs), in the second tashahhud, and at the conclusion of the prayer (taslīm), as well as after the prayer when you say: “O Allah, you are Peace and from you comes peace.” In addition, it is the greeting of a Muslim to his fellow Muslim, and it is used in letters sent between people as if this is a mandate that the Muslim guarantees peace for himself as well as for others.
His Eminence added that Allah Almighty has commanded peace on His servants, which means that it is not optional, but rather obligatory, so that peace may turn into a firm and stable moral that governs human behavior and achieves safety for the whole community. Thus, a Muslim lives and dies in peace. The Grand Imam pointed out that, unfortunately, we have become unaware of this Divine Name; the whole world needs to be characterized by true peace. The West does not have Islamophobia, but religion phobia; it has a phobia of religion in general. The Grand Imam concluded the episode saying, “There is no escape or getaway except through peace as seen by the heavenly revelation and as preached by the Prophets, not the peace of special interests or utilitarianism. We now see no respect for lives, children, women, or hospitals."