GI visits Darul Quran JAKIM in Kuala Lumpur

شيخ الأزهر يزور مؤسسة دار القرآن جاكيم في العاصمة الماليزية كوالالامبور .jpeg

The Qur’an created a great nation among the nations of history and transformed it, despite its weakness and simplicity, from a local entity to a global one within a few decades, the Grand Imam
Al-Azhar Grand Imam and MCE Chairman, Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, visited the Holy Qur’an Center at Darul Quran JAKIM in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, noting that this event represents a good occasion to talk about the Holy Qur’an– the book that falsehood cannot approach from any angle, the book that cannot be contained by the discussions of time and place. It has transcended time and place, and has gone far beyond minds, and the records of history. It is the book that Allah Almighty has revealed and vowed to preserve and protect. Almighty Allah has not entrusted this task to anyone from his creatures not even the Prophets: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Qur’ān], and indeed, We will be its guardian” (Qur'an 15:9).
His Eminence added during his speech at the celebration held by Darul Quran JAKIM on the occasion of the Grand Imam’s visit to Malaysia, that Allah has fulfilled His promise and provided this book with means of preservation in hearts and books that have not been provided for any other book. Nearly fifteen centuries have passed since the revelation of the Holy Qur’an, while armies of enemies have been trying to find faults with it, but none of them have achieved their goal, or have been able to record a single mistake that the sound mind rejects, or a deviation that the sound innate disposition refuses, or a single error that goes against the constants of science and its established experiments.
His Eminence pointed out that contrary to human expectations, the first verses of the Holy Qur’an were not revealed to awaken the innate faith in Allah Almighty, which is true essence of all religions, and in the absence of which no other origin can be established. However, we find that the Qur’an begins its message to people by drawing people's attention to the importance of knowledge and science, so that they would realize that the matter of belief in Islam is founded - first and foremost - on “knowledge” and rational consideration, and not on mere “blind submission” that is not based on the basics of reason, evidence, and clear proofs.
The Grand Imam explained during his speech that the mind is the main pivot around which all the duties of the Sharia revolve, which are Allah’s speech related to the actions of those who are of mature age, whether as obligatory or optional acts. The exalted status of mind in the Holy Qur’an is an undisputable fundamental, and reciting the Qur’an indisputably proves this, and in a way that makes this book unique among all other books. Remarkably, the Holy Qur'an, in many of its verses, emphasizes the liberation of man’s feelings, heart and conscience from the worship of stones, animals and people, and it frees the human mind from illusions, myths and superstitions. It transcends the human soul above the burden of materialism, personal instincts, and the temptation and enslavement of desires.
His Eminence stressed that the Qur’an produced one of history's greatest nations and transformed it - despite its weak state and humble beginnings - from a local to a global force in a few decades. It was able to spread around the world a civilization to which all contemporary civilizations with their icons, philosophers, scientists, and thinkers are deeply indebted. It was a miraculous civilization by all standards, and it bewildered historians in the West and the East.
His Eminence added that history proves that when this nation listened attentively to the calls of the Qur’an and applied its divine directives, its status and position were elevated, and it reached a level of civilization and scientific and moral progress that challenged global civilizations that were leading the world at that time. Indeed, Muslims were able to push aside these civilizations in the East and West in less than eighty years after the last verse of the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and they filled the Earth with light, justice and knowledge. The power of the Islamic push towards science, philosophy, ethics impressed many Europeans who observed with admiration the phenomenon of Islamic conquests in Europe, and studied it with impartiality, objectivity, and fairness that deserves praise and thanks.
The Grand Imam continued that Allah has decreed that the texts of the Qur’an be preserved in books as well as in hearts, which has enabled the spirit of Islamic civilization to remain steadfast during the struggles of development, and to remain alive, vibrant and influential until this day, despite the decline and regression that has befallen it, and despite the severe blows that have been directed - and are being directed - at it, from inside and outside alike. This civilization has always been like a burning ember whose flames do not go out, even in times of decline and setback. His Eminence added that if another nation’s civilization had been exposed to what the Muslim civilization was exposed to, it would have disappeared a long time ago and become something of the past.

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