In the second episode of his Ramadan program Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk, His Eminence Prof. Ahmad At-Tayyeb continued his talk about the characteristics of the Muslim nation. He spoke about the second characteristic, i.e. moderation which we find in the Almighty’s saying: “Thus, We have made you a moderate nation” (Qur’an, 2: 143), the case which in turn paves the way to this nation to become a witness on other nations. His Eminence explained that the Prophet (pbuh) had interpreted ‘this verse as meaning ‘justice’, which signifies this Muslim nation is characterized by justice. Justice is apparently a middle point between two poles; and if the middle point is justice, it necessarily entails the meaning of goodness and betterment.
The Grand Imam said that when the Noble Qur’an describes the Muslim nation as moderate, in the sense that it is a just nation, it does not entail that this description applies to each member of the nation, assuming that each member was a just person who never does any injustice. This has not happened - and will not happen - in any human society. Rather, what is meant is to establish the description of justice for the whole nation as a collective body, not as individuals. The noble verse means that the description of this nation as just grants it immunity from error and misguidance when they have consensus on action, saying or legislation. Therefore, the consensus of the nation was a source of legislation. His Eminence made it clear that the Messenger (pbuh) told us that his nation was infallible - in its entirety - from misguidance and error, and that any act upon which they are unanimously agreed is legitimate and it has its justification.
Therefore, the Prophet (pbuh) made what the nation has settled on, in terms of words or deeds, the decisive criterion in controversial matters that occur in the lives of Muslims, when some say this is legitimate and there is nothing legally wrong with doing it, and others say that it is not legitimate and must be rejected. Here comes the clear Prophetic guidance in his saying: “Allah does not hold this nation unanimously agree on misguidance. If you see disagreement, then follow the great majority.” The great majority are the masses of the nation and its common people.
The hadith indicates that this nation - in its entirety - is a nation that Allah has guaranteed justice and guided to the straight path, which is what made it a nation worthy of witnessing over other nations.
Grand Imam At-Tayyeb Talk is broadcast on a number of channels, radio stations and digital platforms in Egypt and the Muslim world, in addition to the two official pages of the Grand Imam on Facebook and Twitter, his official YouTube channel, and the official pages of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif on social networking sites.